Sage Cookson's Fishy Surprise
AUTHOR : Sally MurphyILLUSTRATOR : Celeste HulmeSage Cookson's Fishy Surprise 3Sage takes her friend Lucy on her latest adventure. Together, they enjoy the beach as Sage’s parents prepare to film their next cooking show. The reappearance of Nancy unsettles Sage and soon strange things begin to happen.
Sage Cookson is a ten-year-old with a pretty different lifestyle. Her parents are television chefs with, unsurprisingly, a passion for food. They spend a lot of their time travelling Australia and the world sampling the food, learning new cooking techniques and then sharing their new knowledge with their massive television audience. For Sage, this means she gets to embark on adventurous travels with her parent for much of the time.AGE : 7 - 12 yearsRELEASE DATE : 1st January 2017
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